Small dose, big impact

Small dose, big impact

The coburg fire department is "a great bunch of guys – this is how mayor norbert tessmer (SPD) summed it up at the annual general meeting. However, it was not only pleasing that numerous missions could be mastered well, but also that – contrary to the trends in other associations and organizations – the number of members remained constant.

Commander christian dudda thanked the youth wardens jens beugnies and kevin reich and all the helpers of the youth work for their activities. The coburg fire department has carried out 19 training services of the loschzug 1 in the past year. The 3rd and 4th platoons, which complete the training service together, have also carried out 19 training services. In addition, there are 26 training sessions for breathing apparatus, ten training sessions for machinists, six ABC training sessions, four training sessions for commanders, six training sessions for fall protection and 42 training sessions for the youth group. A training program of this magnitude is only possible through the smooth and cooperative collaboration of all those responsible, dudda emphasized.

The mammoth share of the 332 security guards last year was accounted for by the state theater, while there were other security guards, for example at the torchlight procession of the coburg convents or at the samba festival.

In 2018, a total of 399 calls for service were recorded. 179 of these were fire incidents, including triggered fire alarm systems and private smoke detectors; in 204 cases, technical assistance was provided, 14 incidents were classified as NBC incidents, and there were also two "other incidents". The introduction of compulsory smoke alarms also means an increase in the number of firefighters called out, christian dudda reported. Often it is only a small smoke development during cooking that causes a smoke detector to sound the alarm. Often attentive neighbors then alerted the fire department. In order to rescue the occupant from a smoky apartment, heavy respiratory protection often had to be used. Due to the increase of these smoke detector operations, the number of door openings had also increased, since in the case of an alarm, the door often had to be opened by force in order to determine the cause of the smoke.

Outstanding operations in 2018 were: fixing of a trapezoidal sheet after a storm, fire of a garden hat at the callenberger unterfuhrung, fire of a car in the wassergasse, apartment fire lauterer strabe with encroachment on roof truss and a room fire "am schiebstand".

In order to meet the requirements of a modern fire department, not only training but also up-to-date equipment is necessary, according to dudda. Ordered: a "dangerous goods" equipment carrier, a command vehicle and a keiser-force machine for respiratory protection training and further education were.

The "open door day according to chairman daniel forkel, the depot on dammweg was once again a great success. Thanks to the organization of andrea and volker stoye the passive afternoon could be accomplished. Quite sporty comrades had participated again in different national and international fire department competitions and sporty highlights. Also the fire department fitness badge had been taken again by some comrades. He thanked thomas fritz as coordinator for the individual competitions.

The exchange with the fire department from coburg's belgian twin town of oudenaarde is becoming increasingly intensive. This year, the partnership is to be officially sealed.

On 12. In september 2020, the coburg fire department will host the district performance march in conjunction with the district fire department day.