Fire departments rehearse the emergency

Fire departments rehearse the emergency

In order to rehearse the case of emergency, the volunteer fire departments of bad kissingen and garitz held a joint drill on thursday evening at helios st. Gallen. Elisabeth hospital in bad kissingen carried out. During a training session on the rising main, from 19.45 o'clock the loschwasser at theubenwand of the house approximately 30 meters highly pumped and over jet pipes on the roof of the hospital again delivered. "It is not easy to conduct such an exercise in this environment, since most of the facilities have their risers inside the buildings. At the helios st. This pipe is located on the wall of the elisabeth hospital, so there was no danger of water damage and we were able to "pump" without any problems, says training manager karl-heinz mehringer of the bad kissingen volunteer fire department.

Patients were forewarned

In order to avoid misunderstandings, the exercise was announced to staff and patients in good time. "During such drills, it can quickly happen that the patients think there is a fire in the hospital, which is why we are always careful to inform everyone in the building about the drill in advance", according to nursing director thomas gart: "ultimately, such drills serve to ensure the safety of our employees and patients, which is why it is a matter of course for us to support the local fire departments in the process. We rely on a good and close cooperation."

The exercise could be started around 21.30 o'clock as scheduled. In total, about 20 men and women from the volunteer fire departments took part in the event.