Teachers sew masks

In the past few weeks, the teachers and staff of the GGSD vocational schools for childcare and food and care in vierzehnheiligen have been sewing makeshift mouth-nose masks in addition to preparing teaching materials for home lessons during their free time. Under the guidance of the home economics teachers, a large number of masks have already been made for the students and staff of the education center.

When school starts up again in a while, the vocational colleges want to be well prepared not only in school matters but also in terms of infection protection. The teachers hope that their action will help to keep the infection rate low, while complying with and expanding the hygiene measures that were already practiced at the vocational schools before the corona crisis. Even though wearing the makeshift masks can only protect oneself and others from infection to a limited extent, they are still useful. Because when they cough, sneeze or speak, droplets are released that may contain viruses.

"Wearing it will certainly be a completely unfamiliar feeling of togetherness at first, but one that they will certainly get used to quickly, as it represents an opportunity to perhaps soon return to the usual school routine", according to home economics teacher Beatrice Kaiser.