Habberge district: dgb elects 29-year-old as leader

habberge district: dgb elects 29-year-old as leader

29-year-old anna schlechter is the new chairwoman of the newly constituted DGB district association habberge. At the delegates' meeting on thursday evening in zeil, the trade unionists implemented the DGB structural reform in the habberge district. Accordingly, there are no longer any regional chairmen, but rather district associations with district chairmen and a regional manager.

Members of the circle board
9,000 members of the german trade union federation, dgb, in habberge county, most of them through the industrial union (IG) metall, but also verdi, IG BAU, IG BCE, NGG, EVG, gdp and GEW are represented. Almost all sent delegates to zeil to install the new county executive committee. The members of the district executive committee have already been appointed. They are: jurgen hennemann, ines buschkamp, gunter appelmann, jochen sidon, thomas dietzel and thomas mann. Anna schlechter was nominated for the district chairmanship and elected without a dissenting vote.
The 29-year-old businesswoman for office communications actually comes from bad kissingen and was active in the IG metall union there for twelve years. She has lived in oberaurach for just under two years and continues to be involved in the DGB here. She thanked her predecessor, reiner greich, and promised to be fully involved in labor and social policy at all levels. "We are not running out of issues, she stated and asked for support. The delegates thanked reiner greich for his work over the past years.
In his review, he was able to present a proud list of events, ranging from information sessions to demonstrations. He was pleased about the change of generations and assured that he would be happy to support the new chairwoman of the DGB.
The previous regional chairman frank firsching gave the programmatic speech of the evening. With a view to the upcoming elections, he stated that it was not the task of the trade unions to make an election recommendation for a party or group. The DGB would rather formulate its positions clearly and test the parties on their attitude to labor and social policy. This gave voters the opportunity to form their own opinion of the new association.
For example, the event "heibe stuhl" contributes to this at the meeting held on wednesday, 24. July, at the "zur eisenbahn" inn will take place in zeil. Starting at 6 p.M., all state parliament candidates from the habberge/rhon-grabfeld constituency will face the following questions.
Firsching noted that wages have only risen in recent years for employees who enjoyed protection under collective bargaining agreements. At the same time, the low-wage sector had grown massively. The unions saw themselves as the conscience of society, because "the market has no conscience", he said. In order to curb wage dumping, the DGB is calling for a minimum wage of 8.50 euros and later ten euros. Whether it's temporary work, contract labor or women, the principle of "equal pay for equal work" must apply to all apply.

Against the greed for profit
The legal tools are often lacking to set limits to the greed for profit. That is why the DGB is campaigning for more co-determination in companies. The works council must also be allowed to have a say in relocations, not just in their implementation.
Another important issue is pensions, which secure the standard of living. It is not acceptable for an employee born in 1964 to earn an average of 2,500 euros per month over 35 years and receive a pension at the level of basic social security. The pension at 67 is purely a pension shortening program. Firsching showed that only ten percent of 64-year-olds are currently still working. The DGB is in favor of flexible retirement starting at 60, pensions starting at 65, and employment insurance that also covers civil servants and freelancers.